How to Off Conversation View In Gmail Within Minute

By | October 21, 2013

In Gmail there is a feature called conversation view , means if any person sends mail to you multiple times then Gmail will not show each mail separately but It will just show in single mail , one after one in ascending order.

Sometimes it creates confusion in reading particular mail and waste the time and even we can miss some of the mails due to conversation view.

Most of the people think this is the permanent and latest feature of gmail and its not editable .

But Gmail provides option to OFF the conversation view so that we could get each mail separately sent by same person.

Below I am sharing step by step video guide to OFF conversation view in Gmail .

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Dharmendra K Gupta

I am Dharmendra K Gupta. I am a #web Developer #problogger #internet marketer #wordpress geek and an entrepreneur from New delhi India.I love blogging and like to meet Pro Bloggers around the Web.
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